


中午才回家,因太「痛心疾首」,無法等到明天了。552位被兩間醫學院學生稱為老師與前輩的〝名醫〞,為何竟然連「醫學ABC理論」也搞不清?如果「雨傘運動(佔中)」是癌症?請問病因是甚麽?病變機理又如何?倒果為因,只會延誤病情,病人(香港核心價值)最終只能certified to die








4 則留言:

  1. , 我睇到我的醫生朋友聯署, 真係痛心疾首......唉.....好似話d 高層有壓力, 人在江湖......出賣靈魂.........sad

  2. I am a doctor. I denounce the statement describing the peaceful protest as a "cancer".

    Their view is indeed is a cancer. Ashamed of them ! They turned a blind eye to the abuse of Police force and the cooperation between Police and the triad society which attacked the peaceful protesters in front of the Police!

    Outrageous!! These doctor could never represent me. Not even the famous experts in liver transplant ( Dr Lo Chung Mou of QMH / HKU) and oncologist (Dr Mok Shuk Kam, of CUHK, Union Hospital)!

    I support the fight for general election for Chief excutive, democracy and freedom.

    Nowadays, the HK Govt and China Govt will never consider HK people's view unless we voice out loudly and go to street.

    Now, FIGHTING is the only way to injustice and crackdown of freedom of press, freedom of speech and democracy.

    Explore in silence, or die in silence (unknowingly) (Lu Shun) !

    My anxiety is not that our community's autonomy will be usurped by Peking, but could be taken away bit by bit by some people in HK (Chris Patten, 2 Oct 1996).

    These shit doctors are those "some people" in HK! Shit!

  3. But HK's autonomy, previous freedom and democracy is already usurped by the China Govt and HK Govt and their gangsters!
